Feed a flu and starve a cold right? Well my cold is very timely since I am starting Martha Stewart's 4 week Body + Soul Whole Body Action Plan today.. and it starts with a 4 day "detox" via almost all liquid diet! Eak! Luckily being sick does not make me have a huge appetite. So I will rely on being sick more then discipline for the moment.
The Schedule is:
Week 1 Purify and Assess - Detox soups and smoothies
Week 2 Dive In
Week 3 Amp It Up (this one scares me already)
Week 4 Make Lasting Changes - Reflect and Improve
Week 2 sounds the best, as you try to eat at least 7 servings of veggies and fruit daily and they "challenge" you to go vegetarian for main dishes (pretty sure I can do at least that), and do yoga! I think I can do that.. the problem is week 3. Week 3 you have to "chew slowly" making each meal last 30 minutes, pump iron, and build up a sweat.. I need to take on day at a time thought, and will have to face week 3 at week 3.
In addition to Martha's plan I am going to try to avoid cheese, soda, and milk for the next four weeks, try to keep up with the 4 week journal, play tennis and hula hoop more! Lets see if I can stick with it! Anyone care to sign up for the challenge, its not too late!
Crazy cool! Keep me posted!